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The last 50 years have been good to some of us and not so kind to others. If you are in a position to make an additional donation to the General Class Fund, please do so here.


•   Alec Cuddeback  7/26
•   Mark Blazey  5/12
•   Susan Shipe (Olsen)  11/21
•   Brett Kuchmy  11/20
•   John D'Agostino  9/3
•   Robyn Windsor (Reardon)  8/19
•   Jim Magin  7/2
•   Martha Dickinson (Mathewson)  3/23
•   Jeff Armstrong  2/27
•   Cindy Fitzhugh (Burton)  2/6
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Who lives where - click links below to find out.

1 lives in Alaska
4 live in Arizona
1 lives in Colorado
2 live in Connecticut
1 lives in Delaware
13 live in Florida
6 live in Georgia
1 lives in Idaho
1 lives in Kansas
1 lives in Maine
1 lives in Maryland
2 live in Minnesota
1 lives in Montana
1 lives in Nebraska
46 live in New York
6 live in North Carolina
1 lives in Oregon
1 lives in Pennsylvania
1 lives in Tennessee
3 live in Texas
2 live in Utah
1 lives in Virginia
1 lives in Costa Rica
1 lives in Mexico
104 location unknown


Know the email address of a missing Classmate? Click here to contact them!

Canandaigua Acad High School
Class of 1966


Free beer, fireworks, main dishes, entertainment. Please R.S.V.P. If you can.

OPTIONAL: Bring A Dish To Pass – if you do, please contact us via Facebook, phone, or email (

Food and beer available immediately. Bonfire lit around 6PM. Similar to last year, action will be centered in and around the garage, closer to the bonfire and bathroom access.

Directions from Canandaigua:,-77.26655

Martha asked if I would post this video taken recently showing her husband Dana's first session at the doctor's office getting his Essential Benign Tremor implant activated - this short video is a composite of scenes from the entire 2-1/2 hour procedure in which you will be able to witness first-hand a medical miracle in progress. The advances in medicine that we have witnessed during our lifetime continue to amaze all of us, including this opportunity for Dana to be able to overcome his tremors which allow him to resume doing daily activities with reduced interference from his tremors - and watching Dana play the clarinet is truly a blessing.

Does anyone see this. I’m still confused

Dear CA Class of 1966, I have been out of touch due to many issues but mainly moving to Savannah to be near our 1st grandchild whom we adore and is now 18 months, trying to get settled, getting doctors, joining a church we love, getting all new doctors, etc. etc. all during Covid. Finally we are meeting people and have done some fun things.We had a shock right before Christmas we found out that John has esophageal cancer. We are currently at Mayo Clinic in Jacksonville where he is having more testing, a biopsy of his lung also, and hopefully find the right concoction for his treatment. We are confident that with God's help, payers, and great doctors that John will beat this. It won't be a quick fix ,but we will be glad when his treatments actually start. I know that so many of our class have passed or lost loved ones these past number of years and my heart goes out to all of you! I also want to wish all of my classmates who have had Birthdays that I did not acknowledge, Happy Birthday & I hope it was
Wonderful!!! Love & Blessings to All, Cindy Fitzhugh Burton

Rick Strawbridge asked me to post his new email address on our class website. As many of you know he has been fighting serious colon cancer for the past 4+ years and is starting to run out of chemo options. He would enjoy hearing from anyone that cares to send a message of hope and healing but also updates on your activities, travels, family life, sports memories, silly stories from high school, whatever. Reading has become one of the few activities he can tolerate.

Send to

Thanks! Carol.

For all those interested in viewing photos I posted of the 50th Reunion on "Pat's Pix", here are three links:

Obviously, not all photos taken by Pat, but a nice sample.

Alec Cuddeback

I've already posted this on the Facebook Class Reunion Site and on my personal Facebook page:

For those of you who would like the 4200+ class photos Pat has taken from 2006-20016, you need to send me a writable DVD disc, jewel case, SASE, and $5 (payable to Alec Cuddeback) - please remember to include the RETURN POSTAGE - That's what SASE means: Self-Addressed-STAMPED-Envelope.

I've already gotten one request without postage included, so hope this isn't a trend.... Remember - put the return postage on the envelope you want your DVD writable disc to be returned to you. Thanks.

Is anyone starting to get excited yet?

Our 50th Reunion made it to the print pages of the Daily Messenger

(Copy and Paste the link shown above in your favorite browser to view the article)


Due to popular demand: Pat and I are willing to furnish ALL the class photos she has ever taken, starting with the 40th Reunion in 2006 and ending with our recent 50th Reunion.

Besides covering all official and unofficial reunions over the last ten years, it includes photos of class members/spouses from many other events – Meetings, breakfasts/lunches/dinners, Red Wings baseball games, some of my “Glass onions/Vintage” band gigs, and some from our annual bonfire parties.

There are more than 4250 total photos.

Every photo is 640 X 480 pixels, which isn't the greatest resolution (done this way so when some of the originals are reduced in size and posted to “Pat's Pix”, they load online quickly). I wouldn't advise trying to blow them up into actual photos 8.5” by 11”, but they should be fine up to size 5” by 7”. I figure most of you would store them online anyway.

Photos are organized into four folders, with the 2016 Reunion photos as a separate folder, each of the three day events designated by a different first letter of the photo name: “B,C, and D”.

We ask you provide a writable DVD disc (if you have questions about the disc, send us an email:, with jewel case, a SASE (self-addressed, stamped envelope) to mail the disc, plus $5 (payable to “Alec Cuddeback”) to cover our time. To ensure the disc gets to you undamaged, the SASE should be 6 X 10, either a Cushion Mailer or Bubble Mailer. You can get these mailers at the post office. DO NOT SEND A WRITABLE CD – It won't have enough space.

I realize we could offer to provide all the necessary materials, writable DVD disc, SASE, jewel case – then, we would have to calculate cost of the disc, jewel case, the mailer, and the postage. However, figuring all of those various options is not something we wish to do. Basically, you give us the rewritable DVD disc and SASE, we will copy the files onto the disc and mail it to you. The only exception is if you live nearby, we possibly might be able to give it to you in-person.

Since we will be returning to California soon, this offer has a limited time. We ask you to furnish all necessary materials to us by October 1st . at the very latest. Once we return to New York in the late Spring of 2017, we'll be able to resume this service.

Our address is:

For any other questions, email us at: